
Power PC Work???

I am looking into the feasibility of porting the node 
for active networking (currently known as MOAB) to
another platform.  This platform is based on the IBM
Power PC chip.

Are you, or anyone you are aware of, working on an OSKIT
implementation for the PPC?  I checked the list archive
and found one individual at apple interested, but email
to him gets bounced.

How can I best evaluate the effort required to port
the OSKit to another platform?


Peter H. Lutz, Ph.D.
Professor of Information Technology
Coordinator of Networking and System Administration
Department of Information Technology
Rochester Institute of Technology
102 Lomb Memorial Drive - Bldg. 70
Rochester, NY  14623              
VOICE: 716 475-6162               
FAX:   716 475-2181               
EMAIL: phl@it.rit.edu             
