
RE: Vmware + Oskit

	A while back someone posted about their efforts to boot an oskit
based kernel inside of VMware using grub to tftp to the host machine. Over
the last couple of days I've been trying to do the same thing, and came
across a solution to the problem that was described before, where the VM
hangs after the command to boot the kernel. It seems to just be a problem
with the older version of GRUB. Check it out:


	After much frustration to get a network-enabled grub installed,
and getting the tftp daemon installed and working properly (you'd think
it'd be so trivial, yet I somehow managed to have difficulties) I am
indeed able to use tftp to boot these kernels. The only problem now is
that it's rather slow, since I have lots of the device drivers linked in.
I'm now going to see if I can thin out the kernel a little bit by not
compiling in so much stuff.
	Using tftp is very convenient, since in the new versions of VMware
it is not possible to mount the virtual disk into the host filesystem.
This allows a much faster debug cycle (modify, compile, run) than any
other solution I've managed to come up with.


| Steve Muckle
| Electrical & Computer Engineering
| Carnegie Mellon University
| Visit http://smuckle.com today!