Letter C
Packages beginning with letter "C".
- Cython - A language for writing Python extension modules
- caffe - Convolutional Architecture for Fast Feature Embedding
- cmake - Cross-platform make system
- coin-or-Cbc - Coin-or branch and cut
- coin-or-Cgl - Cut Generation Library
- coin-or-Clp - Coin-or linear programming
- coin-or-CoinUtils - Coin-or Utilities
- coin-or-Osi - COIN-OR Open Solver Interface Library
- coin-or-Sample - Coin-or Sample data files
- coin-or-lemon - A C++ template library providing many common graph algorithms
- container-selinux - SELinux policies for container runtimes
- crossguid - Lightweight cross platform C++ GUID/UUID library
- cuetools - Utilities to work with cue and TOC files
- curl - A utility for getting files from remote servers (FTP, HTTP, and others)
- cvc3 - CVC3 - Automated validity checker
- cvc4 - Automatic theorem prover for SMT problems