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2. Installation

  1. Get rtftohtml version 2.7.5 (if you don't already have it) from
    (By the way, version 2.7.4 of rtftohtml works also with rtftoweb 1.5.)
    The latest version of rtftohtml is available from
    but note that versions greater than 2.7.5 will perhaps not work with rtftoweb 1.5.
  2. Unpack it with "zcat rtftohtml-2.7.5.tar.gz | tar xvf -".
    (This assumes that you have the GNU gzip-utilities installed. If you haven't it's high time to do so.)
  3. Get rtftoweb-1.5 from 
  4. Copy rtftoweb-1.5.tar.gz into the rtftohtml-directory that has been created by step 2, "cd" to it, and unpack it by "zcat rtftoweb-1.5.tar.gz | tar xvf -".
  5. Patch the original rtftohtml-sources by issueing the command
    "patch -l <patch.rtftoweb-1.5".
  6. Edit makefile.rtftoweb to specify the installation paths and compiler options.
  7. Type "make -f makefile.rtftoweb". (Note that you can still easily make an unpatched rtftohtml, see instructions in makefile.rtftoweb.)
  8. Type "make -f makefile.rtftoweb install" to install rtftohtml/rtftoweb.

That's it!

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