
Re: sleep function

> From: Andrew Lipnitsky <ert@cit.org.by>
> Subject: sleep function
> Date: Fri, 20 Apr 2001 16:26:08 +0300
> I have installed OSKit-20000505 on my Intel Pentium PC box
> by the following way

First off, you might want to update to the 20010214 snapshot if you get a

>  oskit_clientos_init();

Right after this you want to call:


which is in the startup library. The sleep function won't work until you
have a clock ticking away. You will need to link in the -loskit_dev library
as well, just before the -loskit_kern.

> By the way, where can I find documentation about liboskit_startup.a
> library?

Sorry, the startup library was never documented. The example kernels all
have a distinct initial section, typically right after the call to
oskit_clientos_init(). Check those kernels out to see how the startup
library gets used. The source code for the library is in the "startup"
directory. Its a small library and the functions are mostly self

Good Luck!


Leigh B. Stoller
University of Utah - Flux Research Group

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