
Re: linux and mklinuximage

Vaughan Knight wrote:

> From what I gather, I am currently trying to use mklinuximage so i
> can test my kernels under linux, but, mklinuximage does not exist.

mklinuximage is only "built" (converted from .in to a shell script) if 
you have a linker which supports the appropriate arguments ... I
forget what they are, but the magic that checks this is in the
configure script..

Looking in configure.in, it says its testing for '-oformat binary'.

I can't offer any real help on getting a linker that supports '-oformat 
binary' other than to point you at a recent GNU binutils(?).


----- ----- ---- ---  ---  --   -    -      -         -               -
Pat Tullmann                                       tullmann@cs.utah.edu
	  This signature witticism intentionally left blank.

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